
Can College Hurt Your Knees?

If you’re the parent of a college-bound student or graduate, I am guessing that your knees weren’t the first thing to hurt! Speaking for myself with one of each, I would say that my pocketbook and heart (not in that order) took more of a beating. But even if you and your pocketbook have not

How Can We Prevent Yoga Injuries?

Yoga is growing – since 2001*, the amount of people who practice yoga has doubled! However, so has the amount of yoga related injuries. I recently published an article in Granby Living about this after wondering how we can practice and teach yoga safer, and I learned that most yoga related injuries are due to:

Putting YOU First

 Fill in the blank: I feel so much better after doing______________.  I don’t know why I don’t do it more often.   How many times have you uttered those words after a day of golf, fishing, yoga, or curled up a with a good book?  Then, you wait another six months before doing it again.  Why?

Healing Chronic Pain

We take advice from almost everyone we know– our bosses, our kids, glossy magazines, the doctor, and even the local barista. But most of us ignore our most valuable source of wisdom: our bodies. When life gets hectic, it’s easy to check out, go on autopilot, and neglect your health. Our bodies respond to stress

A Holistic Approach for Teens with Anxiety

The prevalence of anxiety in teens is growing at an alarming rate.  While anxiety is a normal part of childhood, more and more teens are being diagnosed with the disorder. With headlines featuring terrorism and school shootings, combined with increasing pressure from social media and parental expectations, it’s no wonder that anxiety affects one in

Decoding the Body’s Physical Symptoms

The symbiotic relationship between physical symptoms and emotional symptoms is not an arbitrary one. Have you ever met someone who’s felt trapped in a dissatisfying situation or relationship, and simultaneously suffers from fatigue, exhaustion, or depression? Therein lies a perfect example of the mind/body connection. …

Change is Hard. This Trick Makes it a Little Easier

Have you ever tried to change one of your habits and realized it was easier said than done? Welcome to the club. Changing any part of your life is hard, but Research Psychologist Gabrielle Oettingen has come up with a simple, proven way to achieve any goal. Through psychological and nuero-scientific research, Oettingen discovered that visualization

Please Stop Feeling So Guilty

If you and I were to sit down over a cup of coffee tomorrow, and I asked you, “what do you really want out of life?” What would you say? Would you keep your wishes realistic and practical, or start dreaming of things that seem impossible? During my Vision Board Workshop at Lost Acres Vineyard

Chakra Series Week #4: Healing the Heart

Do you remember your first heartbreak? I’ll never forget the first time I felt really heartbroken. I was 18 years old and the guy dumped me for some sorority girl. I thought I was going to die. My heart felt heavy, like it’d been replaced by a huge cement block in my chest. It felt